"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." - Douglas Adams
Today was the terrifying second day of the Electronics Entertainment Expo, or E3 for all you hip youngsters, with the convention continuing it's Godzilla like rampage across the US west coast. Fortunately, I live on the opposite end of the continent and can therefore sit back, touch myself, and watch the carnage from the relative safety of my Fortress of Squalitude.
Of all of the information bleeding out of the borefest that is E3's second day, there was one game in particular that caught my attention like a D-cup on a trampoline, and that game was a new Silent Hill. According to the game's trailer, JUST Silent Hill, though most websites are reporting it as the cleverly named Silent Hill 8(or 6, depends on where you look). If that is the case, I didnt realize a series could begin with numbered entries, switch to subtitled releases, and then bounce back to numbers again, but who am I to argue with boobs on a trampoline? Hopefully "8" will get a subtitle eventually 'cause "Silent Hill 8" does nothing to tickle my testicles in the least. But before I move on to more pointless banter, let's have a look at that trailer.
As you can see, despite this entry being developed by an entirely new team, again, the game still appears to have that eternal Silent Hill vibe. Fog, gear shifts in reality, poor visibility, and, of course, hot women in cop outfits. All VITAL components to the series. Really it seems like the team developing this new game are hitting all the right notes, atleast in keeping with the series modus operandi. Unfortunately, Silent Hill Homecoming looked that way when it was in development as well so I find myself almost afraid to get my hopes up.
One final note I feel should be brought to attention though, is that despite my caution on getting too excited, I still find myself eager at the prospect of returning to our "special place", Silent Hill. Alternatively, as I read through the comments on the trailer and press release, I find that there is seemingly no way to please the vast majority of Silent Hill fans. There seems to be little middle ground for fans of this series, as most comments say that any new entry will never be as good as the first 3 games, as well as being angry that this game seems to offer nothing new to move the series forward.
Make up your fucking mind you twats.
Do you want a game that tries to be like the first trilogy of games in the series, like Origins and Homecoming, or do you want a fresh take like Shattered Memories? How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
-Maxwell Strange
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