Monday, November 1, 2010

Red Shirt Guy Forever

As some of you savvy internet peoples might already know, Red Shirt Guy is awesome. Those of you who aren't already familiar with this knowledgeable gentlemen, shame on you for having a life.

During the Quests and Lore panel at the recent Blizzcon 2010, Blizzard's own Chris Metzen and Alex Afrasiabi were schooled in their very own lore by a mysterious red shirted gentleman. This man, dubbed Red Shirt Guy, quickly became an internet celebrity thanks to A. Having the balls to call Blizzard out face to face, and B. Doing said call out in such an awkward manner. The internet was soon ablaze with news and video of his exploits, and a lot of it was certainly not very nice.

So, instead of retaliating in the same way these assholes had, Red Shirt Guy fought back with calm and class.

Thankfully, this first class reply to all the haters seems to have made most of his detractors shut the fuck up. I for one applaud this man for having the balls to stand up in front of so many people, call out Metzen and Afrasiabi, and then calmly defend himself against the inevitable internet backlash.

Bravo Red Shirt Guy. Bravo.

And apparently Blizzard was equally impressed with his staunch determination to maintaining the intricate lore Blizzard has built for the World of Warcraft. In a recent patch to the beta for Warcraft's next expansion, Cataclysm, a new NPC(non player character for all you normal people out there) has arrived next to the Ironforge seat of power.

That's right. Wildhammer Fact Checker, mother fuckers!

Kudos to you Red Shirt Guy for being awesome. I look forward to clicking on your NPC and learning shit I didnt know about WoW.

Reposted from WoW Insider and MMO-Champion.

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